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Order Placement – Payment – Shipping – Tracking – Returns

Placement of Orders

All personal retail orders are placed through this online retail store website.   The available order options for each product are: [1] Buy Now Button, and [2] Add to Cart.

[1] Buy Now Button allows for purchase of one (1) product unit, automatically places the product unit in the online retail store shopping cart, and then automatically proceeds to checkout.   At checkout, the number of product units purchased may be changed by the purchasing customer, if desired.

[2] Add to Cart allows the purchasing customer to select the number of product units, to be purchased in the retail order.   The selected number of product units are then automatically placed in the online retail store shopping cart.   The customer can then choose to continue shopping, or proceed to the checkout, to finalize the order.

Order sizes are limited to the number of product units currently in stock, at the time and date of the online order.   The number of product units currently in stock, at the time and date of the order, are given and displayed for each product, to inform the customer.   Orders cannot be for a number of product units, which is larger than the number of product units currently listed in stock.   In such a situation, the order size will be limited to the number of product units currently listed in stock.   Orders cannot be made for a product, which is out-of-stock.

Placing an order requires the submission, by the purchasing customer, of personal information, to complete the order in full.   This requires making the product selection and selecting the number of product units to be purchased; entering shipping address and contact information as required to ship the order; entering payment information and contact information as required to complete full payment of the order; any other personal information as may be required to complete the order in full.

To best help the shipment reach its intended destination and recipient customer, the destination shipping address should be a full residential or other address, and not to a Post Office (P.O.) Box.   Shipper mailer(s) and courier(s) may not deliver to P.O. Boxes, as part of their own shipping policies.   Therefore, to avoid shipping problems, the destination shipping address should be a full residential or other address.    

This online retail store was created through, and is hosted and powered by the e-commerce software and services of Shopify Inc., as designated by the “Powered by Shopify” indicated in the footer section of this website.   This means that handling, processing and completing of online payment transactions, are done through Shopify and their third-party payment processors.   Therefore, your personal information may be provided to Shopify and their third-party payment processors, to complete the order transaction.   Fully secured payment transaction processing is provided by the third-party payment processors selected by Shopify Inc.    This online retail store is also securely encrypted & protected, and this is indicated by the “s” in “https”, in the website full domain name address. 

To complete the order, the payment must be made in full, and approved & processed by the third-party payment processor, at the time and date the order is placed / made, before it can progress to completion.   If the payment is not approved due to lack of funds in the selected payment method, the order will not be completed.   Once the order is completed in full and the payment transaction completed, the order cannot be cancelled or modified or returned.   The purchasing customer is fully responsible for ensuring all information provided is completely accurate, before completing the order in full.

The personal information and data provided, to complete the order transaction in full, is only stored long enough to complete the order transaction in full, if the order was not completed through a personal customer account, previously created by the purchasing customer through this online retail store.    After this, it is automatically deleted.   Separately from this, personal information may be retained, if the order was completed through a personal customer account, previously created by the purchasing customer through this online retail store.   By using this online retail store to complete an order transaction in full, you are automatically consenting to providing your required personal information, for the purpose of completing the order transaction in full.

Order notifications from us, will be sent to the email address provided by the purchasing customer, during completion of the order.   Once finally shipped, progress of delivery of the order to the purchasing customer, may be tracked through the selected shipper, via a unique tracking number, which is specific for the individual completed order only.   For notifications sent by email, please check your “junk” or “spam” or other folder, to ensure it has been received, in addition to your email “inbox”. 

For orders where the shipping address destination is outside of Canada, before the order is completed, it is the responsibility of the purchasing customer, to be aware of any importation restrictions, and customs duties, which may be applicable.   Additionally, before the order is completed, it is the responsibility of the purchasing customer, to be aware of whether the payment option selected (such as credit card) will function in your country, and whether the delivery method provider selected will complete deliveries in your country.

We are not responsible for any delays, fees, fines, or penalties incurred by your order, due to any customs-related issues.   Payment of any customs fees incurred, is the responsibility of the purchasing customer.   Customs fees are not applied to purchases through this online retail store.

Order refunds or replacements of any kind, will not be issued for orders seized, damaged, or destroyed, by the customs authority of your country.   We are not responsible for any shipping delays, for any reason, associated with the shipper selected during completion of the order.   Once the order has been shipped to the destination address, it is the responsibility of the purchaser to ensure it is not stolen, lost, etc. 

To place orders through this online retail store, customers have the option to create a personal account, through which to place and complete orders, and input / enter personal information.

Placing an order requires the submission, by the purchasing customer, of personal information, to complete the order in full.   This requires making the product selection and selecting the number of product units to be purchased; entering shipping address and contact information as required to ship the order; entering payment information and contact information as required to complete full payment of the order; any other personal information as may be required to complete the order in full.   Personal information may be retained, if the order was completed through a personal customer account, previously created by the purchasing customer through this online retail store.   By using this online retail store to complete an order transaction in full, you are automatically consenting to providing your required personal information, for the purpose of completing the order transaction in full. 

Your personal information may be retained, if you, as the purchasing customer, have created a personal account for yourself, through our online retail store, for the purposes of making purchases through the personal account, and not having to re-enter / re-input your personal information, each time an order is made.

Use of this online retail store for completing orders, is intended for those persons who are adults, using the age of 18 years of age, as the legal threshold age for being considered an adult.

For orders placed through this online retail store, we try to have them fulfilled and shipped as soon as we possibly can, in good faith and through good business practices.   This is why all orders are limited to the quantity of available product units currently in stock, at the time and date an order is placed.    Fulfillment and shipping of orders will be on weekdays Monday to Friday.

Orders cannot be placed, and paid for with payment methods provided by the payment providers, by international customers in the following sanctioned countries: Afghanistan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cuba, Iran, Iraq, Myanmar (Burma) North Korea, Russia, Somalia, Sudan, South Sudan, Syria, Crimea Region of Ukraine, Yemen, and Zimbabwe.   This is the list provided by the payment providers, and payments made in these countries, will not be processed and completed.   

Payment of Orders

The purchasing customer can choose from a wide variety of available payment methods, for selecting the desired payment method, for completing the order transaction in full.   The available payment methods are accessible to this online retail store, through Shopify Inc.

This online retail store was created through, and is hosted and powered by the e-commerce software and services of Shopify Inc., as designated by the “Powered by Shopify” indicated in the footer section of this website.   This means that handling, processing and completing of online payment transactions, are done through Shopify Inc., and their third-party payment processors.   Therefore, your personal information may be provided to Shopify Inc. and their third-party payment processors, to complete the order transaction.   Fully secured payment transaction processing is provided by the third-party payment processors selected by Shopify Inc.    This online retail store is also securely encrypted & protected by the Shopify Inc. e-commerce system, and this is indicated by the “s” in “https”, in the website full domain name address. 

The available payment methods provided by the third-party payment processing providers, through the Shopify Inc. e-commerce system, include those of the following classes of payment methods:

[1] Credit Cards, including prepaid credit cards of a fixed dollar value;

[2] Interac;

[3] Shop Pay by Shopify;

[4] Wallets by Apple Pay and Google Pay;

[5] Paypal;

Steps for Using a Prepaid Visa or Mastercard Credit Card

Customers who may not want to use their regular personal or corporate Visa or Mastercard credit card, have the additional option of using a prepaid Visa or Mastercard credit card, for providing payment.   Visa and Mastercard offer prepaid credit cards of various dollar value amounts.   To use prepaid credit cards for online purchases, the following steps MUST be completed BEFORE making any online purchase. .

[1] A prepaid card with a set dollar value amount, such as $25, etc., must be purchased from a retailer, either in-store or online.

[2] At the time the prepaid card is purchased, the retailer MUST activate the card, so it can later be registered, and subsequently be used for online purchases.   The customer should receive an "Activation Successful - Approved" voucher/receipt from the retailer.

[3] Following activation, the customer MUST register the activated card, and also check to confirm the card monetary balance available, at the card's website.   To complete the registration of the card, and confirm the available balance, the following information must be input:

(a) Card Number (exactly as it is on the card);

(b) Expiry Date (exactly as it is on the card);

(c) CVV Number on the Back of the Card (exactly as it is on the card);

(d) Your Name;

(e) Your Address (mailing/residential/business);

(f) Your Email Address;

(g) Your Phone Number.

Once registration is complete, the prepaid card can then be used for online purchases.

[4] When completing an online purchase and entering the required payment information, the entered payment information MUST MATCH the information entered for registering the card in step [3] above.   This is the same situation, as if you were using your regular personal or corporate credit card to complete the online purchase.

Available payment methods will be indicated at the payment methods / options stage, of the online checkout process for completion of the order in full.   The purchasing customer should select a payment method, which is suitable and available, in the country or jurisdiction, in which the purchasing customer resides / is a resident of, or is located in at the time and date of completing the purchase transaction.  

Cash, personal checks / cheques, and cryptocurrencies are currently not available as payment methods.

To complete the order, the payment must be made in full, and approved & processed by the third-party payment processor, at the time and date the order is placed / made, before it can progress to completion.   If the payment is not approved due to lack of funds in the selected payment method, the order will not be completed.

All prices for our products, are in Canadian Dollars ($CAD).   When an international customer, whose country-of-residence or country-of-payment-method, uses a foreign currency other than the Canadian Dollar, the international customer will be charged the foreign currency amount equivalent and equal to the Canadian Dollar price, according to the official foreign currency exchange rates, active and in effect at the time and date the order is placed, paid for in full, and completed in full.

All orders placed through our online retail store, will also be subject to applicable taxes, which will be additionally added.   The value of this will be stated during the checkout procedure.   All orders placed through our online retail store, will also be subject to applicable shipping fees, so the purchased product(s) can be shipped to the purchasing customer, which will be additionally added.   The value of this will be stated during the checkout procedure.   All orders placed through our online retail store, will also be subject to any other stated fees, which will be additionally added.   The value of this will be stated during the checkout procedure.

Shipping of Orders

This online retail store was created through, and is hosted and powered by the e-commerce software and services of Shopify Inc., as designated by the “Powered by Shopify” indicated in the footer section of this website.   Through their significant size, Shopify Inc. has obtained reduced, discounted shipping rates for selected shipper mailers and couriers, and has made them available to online retail stores created through, and hosted & powered by Shopify Inc.   The available shipper mailer(s) or courier(s), depend on the country or jurisdiction in which the online retail store was created.   As our online retail store was created in Canada, the available shipper mailer or courier is the one selected by Shopify Inc., for shipments within Canada, and abroad from Canada.   It is Canada Post.

Therefore, the shipper mailer or courier used by our online retail store is Canada Post, for domestic shipments within Canada, shipments to the United States, and international shipments to other countries or jurisdictions.   The reduced, discounted shipping rates obtained by Shopify Inc., have been fully passed onto you, the purchasing customer, for purchases through our online retail store.   The shipping rate information is provided below.

All prices for our products, are in Canadian Dollars ($CAD).   When an international customer, whose country-of-residence or country-of-payment-method, uses a foreign currency other than the Canadian Dollar, the international customer will be charged the foreign currency amount equivalent and equal to the Canadian Dollar price, according to the official foreign currency exchange rates, active and in effect at the time and date the order is placed, paid for in full, and completed in full.

To best help the shipment reach its intended destination and recipient customer, the destination shipping address should be a full residential or other address, and not to a Post Office (P.O.) Box.   Shipper mailer(s) and courier(s) may not deliver to P.O. Boxes, as part of their own shipping policies.   Therefore, to avoid shipping problems, the destination shipping address should be a full residential or other address.   

Posted shipping rates may vary due to destination location, size and weight of package.







Rate Name

Transit Time






Canada Post

Expedited Parcel

1 to 2 business days


Canada Post


1 to 2 business days


Canada Post


1 to 2 business days














Rate Name

Transit Time






Canada Post

Tracked Packet USA

7 to 10 business days


Canada Post

Expedited Parcel USA

4 to 6 business days


Canada Post

Xpresspost USA

3 to 5 business days









Carrier Name

Handling Fee

Transit Time






Canada Post



International Parcel Air




International Parcel Surface




Small Packet International Air




Small Packet International Surface




Tracked Packet International




Xpresspost International


Tracking of Orders

This online retail store was created through, and is hosted and powered by the e-commerce software and services of Shopify Inc., as designated by the “Powered by Shopify” indicated in the footer section of this website.   As part of the Shopify Inc. e-commerce system, various order notifications will be automatically sent to the email address provided by the purchasing customer, during completion of the order.

Notifications which are automatically sent to the email address provided by the purchasing customer, as part of the Shopify Inc. e-commerce system, include: order confirmation receipt; payment success; shipping confirmation; shipping updates if the tracking number is updated; shipment out-for-delivery with tracking information; and shipment delivered with tracking information.   

Additional notifications will be sent to the email address provided by the purchasing customer, if the purchasing customer creates a personal customer account.   Such notifications related to creating a new personal customer account, include: account invitation for account activation; and account welcome after account activation.

Other notifications may be sent for various reasons, to the email address provided by the purchasing customer.   Such reasons may include, for example, if the customer leaves the checkout with items still in the cart, before completing the purchase of them.

Once finally shipped, progress of delivery of the order to the purchasing customer, may be tracked through the selected shipper, via a unique tracking number, which is specific for the individual completed order only.   Note that for international shipments to rest of world countries or jurisdictions, tracking through a tracking number may not be available, depending on the service offered by the selected shipper mailer or courier. 

For notifications sent by email, please check your “junk” or “spam” or other folder, to ensure it has been received, in addition to your email “inbox”. 

Returns of Orders

Due to the physical nature and monetary value of the products sold through our online retail store, the option of product return or exchange is NOT available. 

Once the order is completed in full and the payment transaction completed, the order cannot be cancelled or modified or returned.   The purchasing customer is fully responsible for ensuring all information provided is completely accurate, before completing the order in full.

For orders where the shipping address destination is outside of Canada, before the order is completed, it is the responsibility of the purchasing customer, to be aware of any importation restrictions, and customs duties, which may be applicable.   Additionally, before the order is completed, it is the responsibility of the purchasing customer, to be aware of whether the payment option selected (such as credit card) will function in your country, and whether the delivery method provider selected will complete deliveries in your country.

We are not responsible for any delays, fees, fines, or penalties incurred by your order, due to any customs-related issues.

Payment of any customs fees incurred, is the responsibility of the purchasing customer.   Customs fees are not applied to purchases through this online retail store.   Order refunds or replacements of any kind, will not be issued for orders seized, damaged, or destroyed, by the customs authority of your country.   We are not responsible for any shipping delays, for any reason, associated with the shipper selected during completion of the order.   Once the order has been shipped to the destination address, it is the responsibility of the purchaser to ensure it is not stolen, lost, etc. 


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